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Why do I need to have an email address and a mobile phone to sign up with WiFiesta?Both your email address and phone number serve as your username. Both are also used to link you with your friends who have your email or phone in their address books.
Why do I need to give WiFiesta permission to access my address book?We need your address book contacts to link you with your friends who are users of WiFiesta. We don’t share your contacts with third parties.
How do I unlink Facebook, Google Contacts or Microsoft Contacts from WiFiesta?"Please go to the respective social network and revoke access permission to WiFiesta. Once you have done so, you will need to refresh your social links in the WiFiesta App. Note, once the process is completed you will lose contact with all of your friends on the unlinked network.
How long does it take before my account and all associated data and media are completely deleted from WiFiesta servers?Given the complex relationships between WiFiesta users, deleting an account is much more complex than it actually sounds. Thus, it could take up-to 90 days to complete the entire process.
Can I reactivate my account after it has been deleted?Once the deletion process has been completed, which could take up to 90 days, all data such as photos, videos, relationships, likes and comments will be deleted permanently and/or disassociated from your personal information. However, if you log back in WiFiesta before the deletion process has started, the account deletion process will be cancelled.
Once my account has been deleted, will there be any information left about me on WiFiesta Servers?"Certain information such as log files and messages you sent are not part of your account and will persist on our servers.
Does the use of WiFiesta affect my battery life?WiFiesta uses no more battery resources than your average app.
Can I create my own Private Place at my house?Yes you can. You may create as many private places as you like provided that each of them is associated with a unique Wi-Fi Network.
Can I create a Public Place?Yes you can. Just make sure you are not creating a place that already exists. Also make sure you are inputting the correct information for the place.
Can I unshare a Private Place with a friend?Yes you can. Your place will not be visible to them when they are nearby. However, due to some technical limitations on iPhones they will always have access to your Wi-Fi unless you change your Wi-Fi’s Router password.
Why can’t I create a place that is far away from me?You can only create a place located within 200 meters/yards of your current location. You will not be able to create a place if we cannot obtain your location.
How can I find nearby places with Wi-Fi hotspots when I am offline?WiFiesta will show you in the Home screen all nearby place even when you are offline, provided that we can obtain your current location. You will, however, not be able to check in at any of those places until you connect to their Wi-Fi.
What is a Fiesta?Think of a Fiesta as an event that starts when the first member of your party arrives and ends when the last one leaves.
Will I receive photos and videos taken in my Fiesta before I have arrived or after I have left?You will only receive photos and videos taken while you were present at the Fiesta.
How does WiFiesta know which Friend/s to share my photos and videos with?WiFiesta shares all media amongst friends checked-in at the same place.
What would happen if there was a friend checked with me, but I didn’t wish to share my photos and videos with him?"For specific photos or videos you can exclude certain people from the list of recipients of those contents. However, if you do not wish to share any photo or video during the entire Fiesta, you should block that person by selecting the option of “Don’t Share Media” with that person.
What would happen if I blocked someone during a Live Fiesta?He will lose access to the entire collection of photos and videos you shared with him since the beginning of the Fiesta.
How do I prevent my photos and videos from being shared automatically with certain friends?Block those friends by selecting the option “Don’t share media with” in the Privacy Settings.
What do I need to do if I don’t want to receive photos or videos from certain friends?Block those friends by selecting the option “Don’t receive media from” in the Privacy Settings.
I see a fewer photos and videos in an Album shared with me than the original Album?Escribe la respuesta aquí. Piensa bien tu respuesta, escribe con claridad y considera usar ejemplos. Esto ayudará a quienes visiten la página a encontrar lo que necesitan de manera fácil y rápida.
How long will my public photos and videos stay on the wall of the placer?They will stay for 24 hours then disappear from the wall.
How do I see all photos and videos of my Fiestas at a specific place?Use the filter of the Album to group media by place. WiFiesta will create a timeline of your photos and videos at that place.
What happens to my user information and media, while my account is pending deletion?"They will remain accessible for up to 90 days as though you were simply logged out.
What happens to my photos and videos when I make them Private?The content will vanish from the Albums of whoever has access to them. Note, photos and videos shared through WiFiesta messenger are always public.
What happens to my photos and videos when I set Privacy to “Friends Only”?They will disappear from the Albums of whoever had access to them and anyone who is not a friend of yours.
Why does WiFiesta request the permission to access my location even when I am not using the App?We need your location to automatically check you out of places where you have checked-in. Once we have checked you out successfully, your location will no longer be requested.
Does WiFiesta notify all of my friends when I check in?No, it only notifies your friends who are checked-in at the same place taking into account your and your friends’ visibility settings.
How can I stop someone from stalking me?You can block the user by making yourself invisible to him/her. The blocked user will never see you at any place, even if you were checked-in at the same place. He/She will never see any of your photos, videos or your public posts.
How can I stop someone I don’t know from sending me a lot of chat messages?Simply ignore his/her messages. Users are allowed to send one message and one sticker to people they are not already friends with. Alternatively you can block all chats with the user from your Privacy Settings.
Who sees my Private Places?Only friends you shared your places with and only when they are nearby.
Can I manually check-out of a place?WiFiesta will automatically check you out of the place once you leave the place or check-in at another place. You may make yourself invisible for 48 hours, which is effectively a check-out without losing access to the Wi-Fi of the place, if it has one.
What is Time-Bomb Mode?This is our Privacy Mode in which all messages, media and voice memos are deleted from all devices after they have been read by all recipients. They will disappear from your device after they have been delivered to all recipients.
What happens when I manually self-destruct a message?You are effectively forcing the explosion of that message. Similar to Time-Bomb mode, the message is deleted from all devices.
When do chats with strangers get removed from my chat screen?When either you or the other person check-out of the place. Add the person as a friend before either one of you leaves, if you want to stay in touch with the person.
Does WiFiesta encrypt chat messages?Yes. All WiFiesta communications between devices and servers are encrypted with an SSL Certificate.
Why can’t I find certain messages and media in my chat?It means that the sender has manually self-destructed the message.
I cannot send messages to some of the people who are checked-in with me?This happens, because either the user has opted to receive messages only from Friends or the user is a minor and you are an adult.
Can I make a photo or video I sent through WiFiesta messenger private?No you cannot. Photo and videos shared on WiFiesta messenger can be re-shared with anyone. We recommend that you use our Time-Bomb mode to send private photos or videos.
Why would I want to become a WiFiesta Partner Business?WiFiesta is, probably, the only social app whose entire business model is not built on advertisements, effectively, protecting users’ private information. WiFiesta redistributes, up to 35% of its revenues, back to the local communities of our user to help support those communities. WiFiesta plans to offer scholarships to local colleges and universities for the engagement of their students. We are trying to set a trend where companies are expected to reinvest a significant portion of their revenues into our withering local communities. We want you to be part of this success story!
Why would users choose WiFiesta over other social media platforms?Privacy and Local Community are the key words! Our users' private information is not up for sale, not only because we don’t endorse the practice of selling users’ private information, but also because our entire business model does not justify this practice. WiFiesta is, probably, the only social media company in the world whose entire business model is built around the fees it earns from the value it adds to local businesses and not from advertisements. All that, combined with the local nature and the role WiFiesta plays in supporting local communities makes it a very compelling choice.
What is WiFiesta’s business model?We believe that for any relationship to thrive, all interests must be aligned properly! As such, WiFiesta’s business model is built purely based on value. We only get paid when our Partners get paid, effectively, aligning our interests. For instance, WiFiesta charges USD 1.00 per coupon redeemed at a Partner Business. However, we will earn the USD 1.00 only after a sale has occurred and only after the WiFiesta user has helped promote our partner to their circle of friends and to other users. Up to 35% of the USD 1.00, will be redistributed back into local communities in the form of referral commissions and scholarships.
How does WiFiesta attract customers to Partner Businesses?WiFiesta turns local business into a mini social network where users can connect with each other, on a personal and professional level. The social activities, the promotions offered by partner businesses and the ad campaigns run by WiFiesta attract significant foot traffic.
Will offering promotions reduce my profit margin?It should not. Studies have shown effective promotions increase sales. If this was not true, the age old coupons and promotions industry would not exist today. Businesses with razor-thin margins may choose to increase their prices to cover the initial cost of promotions. By using WiFiesta they will be able to offer price sensitive customers the ability to obtain the original prices once they have checked-in and promoted the business to their cycle of friends and other WiFiesta users.
What are the exclusive features available to WiFiesta Partner Businesses?You will be able to earn recurring commission from the engagement of the customers you refer to WiFiesta. You will also be able to promote your business to our user community by creating custom promotions and validating coupons redeemed against those promotions. Additionally, you will have full control of your business’s wall on WiFiesta. Hence, you will be able to add contents and remove those you don’t approve of, publish live polls, upload high quality contents from your phone’s gallery (not available to other users), update your business’s information, control check-in ranges and other advanced options.
How will I receive my referral commission?To receive commission payouts, you will need to link a PayPal account to your WiFiesta Business Profile. It is important that the name on your PayPal account matches the name on your WiFiesta Business Profile.
How will I pay for the coupons redeemed at my business?During the process of creating a business profile on the WiFiesta app, you will be required to associate a credit card with the profile. This credit card will be charged automatically for the full amount of the invoice.
Will I receive an invoice?Yes, you will receive a detailed invoice by mail. Additionally, you will be able to access your invoices and payout orders through the business profile section of the app.
Is there a fixed fee for being a WiFiesta Partner Business?Yes. The fee is USD 100.00. However, it is currently waived for the first year as a promotion for our early adopters. The fee is meant to cover the marketing material you will receive by mail from WiFiesta. The marketing material will help you generate recurring income from our Referral Profit Sharing Program. Additionally, WiFiesta uses this fee to deter users from claiming places they don’t actually own!
How many branches can I link to my Business Profile?There is no limit. You can add as many locations / branches as you would like.
Why do I need to validate redeemed coupons?You need to validate all redeemed coupons before applying any discount to the user’s bill to ensure that our users have actually checked-in and generated contents for you and not merely using a copy of a previously redeemed coupon. Additionally, it allows us to accurately track the coupons that were redeemed at your business to make sure that you are only charged for coupons that resulted in sales.
How will WiFiesta identify users referred by me?The user will be assumed to be referred by you, if their first check-in happens to be at one of our locations. Optionally, the user can input your ID For Referral Code (IDFR) during the signup process.
How long will my referred users be associated with my profile?Referred users will be associated with your business profile for 12 months. At the end of the referral period, the user will be associated with the business profile where they make his first check-in after the 12-month period has ended. Hence, it is fundamental to continue incentivizing users to check-in to continue enjoying the benefits of our Referral Profit Sharing Program.
Will I have to pay USD 1.00 for coupons redeemed by users I referred to the app?No, WiFiesta will never charge you for users you have referred to the app for as long as they continue to be associated with your business profile.
Does WiFiesta charge USD 1.00 per customer?No, WiFiesta charges USD 1.00 per redeemed coupon. A redeemed coupon could include more than customers for as long as it is redeemed against one bill. In fact, we incentivize our users to generate one coupon and pay with one bill to help business reduce the time it takes to process payments. The same coupon should never be applied to multiple bills.
Will there be a minimum spending amount for redeemed coupons?Yes, the customer will have to spend at least USD 10.00 to be able to redeem a coupon.
How many coupons can a user claim per day?A user can redeem a coupon after they have checked-in and generated contents. The user cannot redeem another coupon while they are still checked in. Once the user checks out, they will have to wait for 3 hours before they can redeem another coupon.
Why is it essential that I incentivize all of my customers to check-in?The simple act of check-in, turns your customers into a follower, turns his very presence into a content that could attract other customers, feeds your analytics with very useful data related to the foot traffic of your business and, last but not least, turns the user to a referred user that will earn you recurring income for the next 12 month.
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